Thursday, March 28, 2013


OMG! So I need to make a you tube video because I was told it will help me brand myself and my signature products. I myself was scared to death at first to get on camera knowing that tons of people would see me and who knows what negativity I would have to face because I am not perfect in that world.

If you felt like I felt when you tube video making was introduced to you  then this blog is for you. I found myself  not being afraid of the camera because  I  loved taking pictures and posing  and all that stuff. It was the fact that I had to confront change by doing something different. Change will always be uncomfortable because in our lives we become complacent where and how we are especially if we been a certain way for so long. I had to realize that if I wanted to help others and build relationships with people I had to began making videos so people could see that I was a real person,ordinary and  alive just like them.

I myself thought my you tube  videos from my lap top web camera were horrible. However my friends and family thought other wise. A mentor of mine By the name of Vickie Wooden who is well known on you tube for mentoring others and helping them grow their businesses was very encouraging. So with all that positivity I continued making my you tube videos with my lap top web camera. However I was surprised at the amount of views I received and subscribers. I realized that it wasn't about me but about the quality and value of my content that I was giving.

I encourage anyone who has an on line business, Traditional business, Products or services or just have something that they want to share with the world to start making you tube videos for that exposure. Don't worry about the camera as long as you can be heard and seen. At the beginning you may not be able to afford a better camcorder and that's ok because you have to start some where . Eventually you will, like I did. I promise you  once you make your first video you will overcome that fear of making you tube videos.

Remember your viewers are not looking for perfection because no one is perfect. What they do look for is someone who is real and is just like them and someone they can relate to. Talk to your viewers not at them. Don't be scripted if you can help it. When I  say scripted I don't mean you don't have to have what you want to say written down. You absolutely will need a guide at the beginning just like I did. Just get you some index cards and use them accordingly just don't look as though you are reading a book.  The most important thing is to have fun. Don't get lost in being the professional because you may lose your audience because they may began to feel threatened. Remember people want to learn from others however when they learn from others who appear to be just like them it will enable them to build trust and then relationships will come naturally.

When you are marketing it's all about building trust and then relationships. People feel more comfortable following and going in to business with people they can relate to, trust and feel comfortable with. So make sure that person is you. I personally as being a beginner in you tube branding I do not edit my videos, I don't have music and this is optional and just my preference. You do what works for you. I just feel like I don"t want any distractions I want my viewers to concentrate on me not my music, back grounds or highlights.

Some people like myself don't know how to do all those extra computer edits lol. However If people want to follow me I Don"t want them to feel reluctant thinking that they have to be all fancy to get their point I choose to be simple an plain. Hopefully some where down the line I can at least add some words and headings and titles which is also simple and ok.  What ever you decide is up to you .

 The hardest part is getting started so if you are reading this blog I encourage you to have confidence in yourself because I do and I don't even know you.You can do it just get up and do it.

Like myself you will began to crave making videos and it will become a part of your daily routine which is very important.You tube videos for me is like having a sweet tooth if I don't get my fix I feel in complete and hungry. Don"t let haters deter you from continuing or beginning to make your videos. Remember this is your channel, you run the show to I say be ready so you won"t have to get ready. Surround yourself with like minded people and be open to real constructive criticism  you'll know the haters when you hear them.


Check out my You tube channel an my video titled Branding Identity

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