Tuesday, April 16, 2013



                     I just what to talk to you about the importance of following up with your prospects who show interest in your opportunity. First of all having a home based business is a blessing because it allows you to work from the comfort of your home as you please. However without people whom we in the industry call leads you do not have a business. Therefore once a connection is made it's crucial you immedialy follow up with that person not because you are just trying to get them to join your opportunity but to show them that you are a real person. Follow up shows that you care and for me i feel that it's the most respectful thing you can do. 

When following up you don't pitch people about your business or talk about it at the beginning unless they do. Follow up with them and build a relationship. once you have that you have trust and at that point your prospect will follow you where ever you go. It's a no  brainer, follow up  is key to any business without it you have no business. Remember follow up is one thing but the key lyes in effectiveness. Will my follow up be sucessful? Well all i can say is speak to people the way you would want to be spoken to if you were a prospect. Be genuine and have some empathy after all you are dealing with human beings.
When you follow up you get to see if you even want to be a partner with the prospect. Are thay coachable,teachable, reachable? Following up also is pratice for you, You get to learn different techniques in which you are able to speak to a prospect that will make them want to join you right away. However you won't know that until you follow up. 

Last but not least remember to always have good posture before you begin your follow up. Make sure you're some where quiet with no distractions. Sit up  straight. Yes i said sit up straight because this is your business and you need to run it like the million dollar business that it will soon be. Remember to smile because even though people cannot see you, it mentally puts you in a happy place which will in turn relate the message to your brain and you will be excited to call people and be able to be more encouraging. The results are all in the follow up so make sure that you are doing this daily.

ceo/founder of Eye Candie Lupies Network
Lupus and Personal Development Mentor, Preofessional Network Marketer.

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